GELITA® PRO Leaf Gelatin is easy as 1-2-3

Simply soak in cold water and
allow to swell for approximately 5-7 minutes.

Squeeze out excess water.

Dissolve in a liquid then
stir into food. Done!
If you observe these golden rules nothing can go wrong:
- Don‘t boil the leaf gelatin. This removes their gelling properties.
- Don‘t freeze gelatin mass. This prevents it from gelling.
- After squeezing out, add a small amount of the liquid to the gelatin leaves and stir until smooth. Only then add the remaining liquid.
- Now the whole thing just has to be cooled, but not in the freezer. Because that prevents gelling and your mousse, terrine, or soup will not have the desired consistency.
- Always plan enough time in advance so your food can set in the refrigerator in peace!
- As a rule of thumb: For 500 ml liquid you need 6 leaves of gelatin.